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Tempasuk Plains,
Kota Belud

Tempasuk Plains is located at Kota Belud. It is the largest rice field in Sabah with approximately 12,200 hectares that produces more than 33,000 tonnes of paddy.



Tempasuk Plains has recorded over 180 species of birds and is the best place in Sabah for migrant birds from October to April. Some rare migrants that have been recorded here are the Black-Faced Spoonbill, Black-Capped Kingfisher, Pied Avocet, Northern Shoveler, Broad-billed Sandpiper, Long-Billed Dowitcher and many others.

BIRDing locations + trails

Tempasuk plainsWLD_4432.JPG

The best place for birding at Tempasuk is along the roads and dirt roads. These places are go-to spots to search for waders and other birds foraging in the mudflats and grasslands.


Getting there

There are available homestays at Tempasuk providing basic rooms and meals for your time in the area.

Tempasuk Plains are approximately 80 kilometres from Kota Kinabalu. It is reachable by car, but using a 4WD is advisable, especially for the dirt roads at Tempasuk itself.

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